In Memory of Captain Thomas Wall
Now Streaming

A Documentary About A Fallen Firefighter
An everyday hero, Thomas Wall was a protector and a leader to his family both at home and in the firehouse. He was a servant to his community and a source of inspiration. Heartfelt and inspiring, this award winning documentary chronicles Tom’s life, and his untimely death while battling an inferno that he helped to ultimately put out, saving homes and lives one last time.
The 11 Best Firefighter Documentaries
“Ranked at #5, Brave Are the FallenĀ is a sad story about the dangers that firefighters are exposed to…”
"Brave Are The Fallen" Available On Amazon Prime
“Jacob Whitley’s 52-minute feature docĀ Brave are the FallenĀ is a moving, heartfelt tribute to Captain Thomas Wall…”
From The Greenest Rookie To The Most Seasoned Veteran
“I found this documentary a blessing to be offered a peek into the life of a man who loved what he did, and did what he loved: being a husband, father, friend, and mentor to many firefighters…”