Merry Christmas!

I hope everyone is enjoying the holidays. This always tends to be the busiest time of year for me. There have been some interesting updates that I am excited to share with you below.
Check out Exciting Updates Below
Director’s Interview with the Illinois Fire Fighter Peer Support
I had the opportunity to interview with the Illinois Fire Fighter Peer Support organization where I spoke about Brave Are The Fallen and how I hope I can share my uncle’s firefighter story with other firefighter families.
Illinois Firefighter Peer Support was founded so no fire service or emergency responder would have to go through pain or suffering alone. Everyday they put their lives on the line to save others — frequently putting their needs last — but as a community they’ve recognized they’re stronger when they acknowledge their burdens and face them head on together. It takes a lot of courage to reach out for help — they’ve been there — and now they are here to answer that call.
Watch the Film Now!
New Trailer Released
What’s in Production?
COVID 19 Documentary
About Heroes Around The World

As most of you know, I’ve been hard at work all year capturing footage of this pandemic world wide. I didn’t quite know where I would be going with my story, but it began to form itself when I started to find so many great people to interview who have selflessly helped communities around the world during these dark times. From Doctor Jim Keany, a volunteer first responder to the Grand Princess cruise ship quarantine back in March, to TJ Kim, a young pilot who doesn’t even have his driver’s license yet, but flies supplies till this day to rural hospitals who are unable to receive supplies due to the lockdowns. This film, when completed, won’t be about the dark times we went through during 2020, but about the courage that these heroes laid down to lead us back to the light. |
Movie or Mug
Enjoy one of my other motion pictures with a Whitley Films mug in your hand. Find more products like these in our online store.
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