Great News!
How can I follow up last months news about a festival win? How about with an acceptance to a new platform!
Brave Are The Fallen
Now Available on
Do you like free movies? I bet you do. Tubi is one of the fastest up and coming streaming platforms on the market! It allows viewers to watch content for free by placing adds in the films. We’re going back to the days of commercials, but at least you don’t have to pay for cable!
This is an award winning documentary about a beloved fallen firefighter Captain Thomas Wall who died while battling an inferno that he helped to ultimately put out, saving homes and lives one last time. A servant to his community and a source of inspiration to those that loved him.
What’s in Production?
COVID 19 Documentary
About Heroes Around The World

Centered on community heroes around the world, the documentary focuses on a unique inspiring side of the pandemic story opposed to the expected drama that we all had to live through. As I continue to edit the monster of a project, I have continued to collect interviews as needed and as more inspiring stories come in. One of which stories is about a Chinese Journalist. I have to say that editing clips in Chinese without knowing how to speak Chinese has to be one of the hardest things I’ve ever done on a project. |
A 2nd Firefighter Documentary
My second firefighter documentary is underway and is about halfway filmed. Editing should begin in about a month or two and the completed film should be expected near summer. Distribution platforms permitting. |

Movie or Mug
Enjoy one of my other motion pictures with a Whitley Films mug in your hand. Find more products like these in our online store.
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